
  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Neutralizator de arome

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Atemporal & Floral

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Călătorie & Evadare

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Savuros & Gurmand

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Relaxant & Liniștitor

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Proaspăt & Revigorant

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Luxuriant & Sofisticat

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Călduros & Primitor

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • aromele pasionale și senzuale

    Pasional & Senzual

    While evening make-up does demand different techniques from daytime, looking glamorous doesn’t involve putting on heavy colours with a trowel.

  • ScentAir Breeze

    ScentAir Wave™

    Despite the extra time, don’t be tempted to dawdle or to experiment either with make-up or with clothes – it invariably leads to being late.

Arome si prăjituri

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